
Ph.D Students

Erawati has completed her M.Tech in Construction Management from College of Engineering Pune. She has worked as a Planning engineer for 3 years in the industry. She is currently working in the areas of Green Supply chain Management in Construction
Ketan has completed his M.Tech in Structural Engineering from NIT Trichy. He worked as a Design Engineer for 2 years in L&T Power and worked for one year as an Assistant Professor in Arya College of Engineering, Jaipur before joining for Ph.D at IIT Delhi. He works in the area of materials with a focus on their behaviour at varying temperatures in the context of building science research.
M-Tech Students

Academic Year (2023-2025)
  • Tushar Jaiswal: Lean and Green Supply Chain Frameworks for Indian Construction
  • Shreya Bhardwaj: Impact of Climate Change on Building Design
  • Kaviselvan C:  Circular Economy framework for Heavy Civil Infrastructure
  • Ashok Ayyasamy: Circular Economy Framework for Buildings
  • Vaibhavi Milind Dixit: Material Waste Patterns Across heavy civil Projects and Mitigation Strategies: A Cross-Case Analysis